Copy 'Em for iPhone & iPad User Guide
Share data to Copy ’Em
You can save online bookmarks, text snippets, and other data by sharing them to Copy 'Em. This method works on apps that support data sharing. If an app does not share data to other apps, try another method instead: copy the data to the clipboard and have Copy 'Em save it.
Enable the share extension
Before you can share data to Copy 'Em, you need to enable its share extension in the share sheet.
Example 1: Bookmark a webpage in Safari
1. In Safari, open a webpage you'd like to bookmark.
2. Tap the share button in the Safari's toolbar.
Share data to Copy ’Em
You can save online bookmarks, text snippets, and other data by sharing them to Copy 'Em. This method works on apps that support data sharing. If an app does not share data to other apps, try another method instead: copy the data to the clipboard and have Copy 'Em save it.
Enable the share extension
Before you can share data to Copy 'Em, you need to enable its share extension in the share sheet.
Example 1: Bookmark a webpage in Safari
1. In Safari, open a webpage you'd like to bookmark.
2. Tap the share button in the Safari's toolbar.
3. In the opened share sheet, tap the Copy 'Em icon.
Then Copy 'Em will briefly show a popup and save the bookmark for you.
Example 2: Save a text snippet in the News app
1. Select a text snippet, and open its contextual menu.
Example 2: Save a text snippet in the News app
1. Select a text snippet, and open its contextual menu.
2. Tap the "Share..." button.
3. In the opened share sheet, tap the Copy 'Em icon.
Example 3: Save a picture in a tweet from the Twitter app.
1. Press and hold on a picture in a tweet to open its contextual menu.
3. In the opened share sheet, tap the Copy 'Em icon.
Example 3: Save a picture in a tweet from the Twitter app.
1. Press and hold on a picture in a tweet to open its contextual menu.
2. Tap "Share via...".
3. In the opened share sheet, tap the Copy 'Em icon.
3. In the opened share sheet, tap the Copy 'Em icon.